امضای تفاهم نامه همکاری با دانشکده علوم ورزش دانشگاه اصفهان

به گزارش روابط عمومی اکوپارت، با هدف ارتقاء مهارت‌های کارآفرینانه در بین دانشجویان و اساتید و توسعه و ایجاد استارتاپهای ورزشی و همکاریهای دیگر در این زمینه، تفاهم نامه همکاری فی مابین دانشکده علوم ورزش دانشگاه اصفهان با شرکت توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت منعقد گردید.

در این مراسم که با حضور دکتر فاطمه شهدکار مدیرعامل شرکت توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت، دکتر کارگرفرد رئیس دانشکده علوم ورزش دانشگاه اصفهان و جمعی از معاونین و مدیران شرکت توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت برگزار شد، دو مجموعه یاد شده در راستای تداوم فعالیت‌های علمی و اجرایی در حوزه‌های مختلف نوآوری و فناوری توافق کردند.

مدیرعامل شرکت اکوپارت در این مراسم با تاکید بر اهمیت موضوع کارآفرینی و ارتقاء توانمندی های کارآفرینانه در بین دانشجویان، خصوصا اساتید دانشگاه و صدماتی که از این ناحیه به دانشجویان و اساتید وارد می‌شود، تاکید کردکه: با توجه به نیاز دانشکده و پتانسیلی که در این حوزه در شرکت توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت وجود دارد، همچنین تجربیات این شرکت، حرکت به سمت ایجاد توانمندسازی کارآفرینانه و توسعه فردی مورد نیاز دانشجویان یک ضرورت است.

وی اضافه کرد: این مسیر راهی است که امروز دنیا به سمت آن حرکت می‌کند و کشور عزیزمان ایران نیز به‌عنوان یکی از قدرت‌های منطقه‌ای ناگزیر به قدم برداشتن در این راه است به همین دلیل تمام تلاش و اراده خود را به‌کار می‌گیریم تا در کنار دانشگاه ظرفیت‌های لازم جهت اجرایی شدن این طرح را به وجود آوریم.

مقالات مرتبط

اکوسیستم کارآفرینی راهبردی برای توسعه صنعت ورزش

The ecosystem approach to entrepreneurship has received worldwide attention in recent years to understand the context of entrepreneurship at a macro level. However, although the sports sector is important in this field and can improve people’s health, create employment and contribute to the country’s GDP, little research has been done in this field. The purpose of this review article was to explain the impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the sports field.The statistical population of the research included all scientific-research articles (186 articles) published in the field of sports entrepreneurship from 1390 to 1402 in Iran, based on vocabulary Keys were collected from the Scientific Information Database (SID), Noormagz, Irandoc, Civilica, as well as searching in the system of related publications to get the latest articles. Then, the items linked to each axis were classified and analysed on the basis of a hierarchical analysis at three macro, medium and micro levels.The results showed that at the macro level, investment and privatization of sports, the formation of sports cooperatives, and especially the culture of Iranian sports organizations are among the drivers of entrepreneurship at the macro level. At the intermediate level, organizational structure and organizational learning; and especially, the planning and content of entrepreneurship-based education in the university along with information technology are factors that affect the process of sports entrepreneurship. At the micro level, various variables affect entrepreneurship in sports, the most important of which are the various personality traits of people. Of course, investment and financial risk; Entrepreneurial and social skills are also considered important; The results indicate that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a new approach to systematically and comprehensively examine the development of entrepreneurship in various fields such as sports.


توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت دکتر فاطمه شهدکار مدیر عامل Eeitaa Instagram Envelope پروفایل من در UNet دانلود رزومه من رزومه منکتاب هامقاله هاارتباط با من…

بررسی تاثیر گرایش به کارآفرینی جامعه بر رشد اقتصادی و امنیت ملی

Today, the nature of hard and military power lends itself to the components of soft power and economic power in the international arena. The importance of this issue led us to examine the impact of community entrepreneurship on economic growth and national security of Iran. This is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers of knowledge-based companies located on campus of Science and Technology Park of Campus with 240 companies. According to the Krejcie-Morgan table, 144 CEOs of these companies were selected through available sampling. Data were collected by three researcher-made entrepreneurship orientation questionnaires, national security questionnaires and economic growth questionnaires used in previous research. The content, face and structure validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the supervisor, experts and factor analysis method. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.84, 0.83 and 0.89, respectively. Data analysis was performed at two descriptive levels using statistics such as frequency, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics by structural equation method and path analysis using Amos software. Economic and national security have a positive and significant impact.

عوامل موثر بر اجرای اقتصاد چرخشی در بنگاه‌های اقتصادی کوچک و متوسط(SME) استان اصفهان

The transition from the current linear model of the economy to a circular model has recently attracted the attention of leading global companies and policy makers at the World Economic Forum. This is due to significant economic, social and environmental benefits. However, the global shift from one economic model to another also applies to smaller enterprises at the micro level. Consequently, in-depth knowledge of business model design is necessary to stimulate and strengthen the implementation of the circular economy. Existing business models for the circular economy have limited transferability and there is no comprehensive framework to help any kind of business design a circular business model.
The main purpose of this research is to find out what factors influence the implementation of the circular economy in Iran. The research method in this study is descriptive-survey in terms of its nature and goals. The statistical population included small business leaders in the industrial towns of the province of Isfahan, which had a population of 8,320 in 1401. Using the sample size calculation formula (Cochran), the number of 368 people was estimated as the research sample. To collect information, a questionnaire developed by researchers was used and its validity was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.90. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data obtained from the research using the SPSS15 software program. The results of the research showed that social and cultural factors, organizational, government, laws and regulations and infrastructure have an effect on the implementation of circular economy in small economic enterprises.


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *