شایستگی های کلیدی برای طراحی در یک اقتصاد چرخشی

در چند دهه اخیر اقتصاد چرخشی (CE) به یکی از موضوعات برجسته در ادبیات علوم طبیعی و مدیریت تبدیل شده است. اقتصاد چرخشی یک سیستم احیا کننده دو حلقه¬ای است که بر استفاده موثر و کارآمد از منابع در اکوسیستم تمرکز دارد که برای بهینه سازی عملکرد محیطی و اقتصادی مفید است. ابتکارات دوگانه CE به شرکت¬ها اجازه می¬دهد تا بهره¬وری و همچنین اثر بخشی زیست محیطی منابع را افزایش دهند. اقتصاد چرخشی پیامدهای عمیقی برای مزیت اقتصادی و عملیاتی دارد. این امر نیاز به تأمل در تعریفی را ایجاب می¬کند که ممکن است دستورالعمل¬هایی را برای ارزیابی و پیشبرد عمق و تنوع این مفهوم ارائه دهد. هدف این پژوهش ارائه یک تحلیل تعریفی از اقتصاد چرخشی و پیشنهاد جریان¬های تحقیقاتی آینده برای پیشبرد ادبیات موجود است. برای این منظور، از مرور ادبیات سیستماتیک برای جمع‌آوری نشریات مرتبط در اقتصاد چرخشی استفاده شد. در نتیجه، در مجموع 112 مقاله انتخاب، مطالعه و تجزیه و تحلیل شد و یک تعریف کاربردی از اقتصاد دایره¬ای ارائه شد که شامل عناصر اصلی شناسایی شده، فرآیندهای برنامه¬ریزی سازمانی، مشتریان و جامعه، استفاده از اکوسیستم و جریان¬های منابع اقتصادی می باشد.

مقالات مرتبط

تبیین تأثیر رویکرد‌های تأمین پایدار و هوشمند بر بهبود عملکرد سازمانی زنجیره تأمین در شرکت‌های کوچک و متوسط

The implementation of sustainable and intelligent supply chain approaches has a great impact on the performance of an organization. In today’s globalised and highly industrialized world, sustainable development is recognized as one of the highest priorities of any organization. The evolution of Internet-based technologies, digital platforms, and big data analytics has paved the way for the redesign of smart, agile, and flexible supply chains. As a result, implementing practices related to these two concepts is necessary to improve organizational performance related to the supply chain. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of these two methods on improving the organizational performance of the supply chain in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Isfahan province. This research examined the dimensions and variables that are related to sustainable supply chain and smart supply chain practices in SMEs, which were not previously considered in research contributions. According to the research criteria, 320 small and medium-sized companies in Isfahan Province were selected as the target population, out of which 240 companies were selected for sampling based on their different business sectors. In the selected sample, questionnaires were sent to the owners, senior supply chain managers and middle level managers of this company. A total of 220 answers were received. SPSS software was utilized to measure the model and regression and variance were utilized for this purpose. The findings of this research show a significant effect of sustainable and intelligent supply chain practices on improving organizational performance. Furthermore, each of these approaches has a direct impact on the performance of SMEs. The results of this research greatly enrich existing knowledge by filling gaps and adding value to researchers, academics, students, policymakers and industry


توسعه و تجارت اکوپارت دکتر فاطمه شهدکار مدیر عامل Eeitaa Instagram Envelope پروفایل من در UNet دانلود رزومه من رزومه منکتاب هامقاله هاارتباط با من…

مدلی برای عملکرد تجاری شرکت های خرد، کوچک و متوسط: چشم انداز تجارت اجتماعی و منحصر به فرد بودن قابلیت منابع در ایران

The progression of information technology has continuously evolved and altered the manner in which entrepreneurship is conducted within the realm of business operations. Furthermore, the pace at which internet users engage with online platforms also impacts economic development, resulting in a shift in consumer behavior from traditional face-to-face shopping to the digital realm. The primary objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview and analyze the utilization of social commerce, as well as explore the distinctiveness of resource capabilities and competitive advantage. This investigation was carried out with the intention of examining its influence on the commercial performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within the Tehran province. Additionally, this research scrutinizes the competitive advantage of social business intermediation and the distinctiveness of resource capacity in relation to the business performance of SMEs. The research was conducted in three industrial towns within Tehran province, specifically Khavaran Industrial Town, Abbas-Abad Industrial Town, and Paytakht Industrial Town. The research methodology employed was quantitative in nature and validated through the utilization of Smart PLS software version 3.0. The unit of analysis for this research consisted of SMEs situated within these industrial towns, with a total of 150 selected business units. The findings indicate that social business significantly impacts competitive advantage. However, the results also demonstrate that the distinctiveness of resource capabilities does not exert a significant influence on competitive advantage, and social business does not significantly affect the commercial performance of SMEs in Tehran province. On the contrary, competitive advantage does possess the capacity to regulate the business performance of small and medium enterprises. Nevertheless, the utilization model of social business and the distinctiveness of resource capabilities do influence the business performance of SMEs in Tehran province, albeit through the conduit of competitive advantage

عوامل موثر بر اجرای اقتصاد چرخشی در بنگاه‌های اقتصادی کوچک و متوسط(SME) استان اصفهان

The transition from the current linear model of the economy to a circular model has recently attracted the attention of leading global companies and policy makers at the World Economic Forum. This is due to significant economic, social and environmental benefits. However, the global shift from one economic model to another also applies to smaller enterprises at the micro level. Consequently, in-depth knowledge of business model design is necessary to stimulate and strengthen the implementation of the circular economy. Existing business models for the circular economy have limited transferability and there is no comprehensive framework to help any kind of business design a circular business model.
The main purpose of this research is to find out what factors influence the implementation of the circular economy in Iran. The research method in this study is descriptive-survey in terms of its nature and goals. The statistical population included small business leaders in the industrial towns of the province of Isfahan, which had a population of 8,320 in 1401. Using the sample size calculation formula (Cochran), the number of 368 people was estimated as the research sample. To collect information, a questionnaire developed by researchers was used and its validity was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.90. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data obtained from the research using the SPSS15 software program. The results of the research showed that social and cultural factors, organizational, government, laws and regulations and infrastructure have an effect on the implementation of circular economy in small economic enterprises.


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *