بعد تاریک کارآفرینی: آشکار کردن جنبه‌های منفی اقدامات کارآفرینانه

فرآیند کارآفرینی می‌تواند مولد یا مخرب باشد. یکی از مواضع مختلف کارآفرینی، “بعد تاریک کارآفرینی” (DSE) است که کمتر به آن پرداخته شده است. در این مقاله با هدف بررسی این موضوع یک ارزیابی ادبیات گسترده مربوط به مطالعات کمی و کیفی نمایه شده در پایگاه هاي اطلاعاتی مجله‌هاي تخصصی نور، ایرانداك، ساینس دایرکت، گوگل اسکالر و اسکوپوس با کلمات کلیدی بعد تاریک کارآفرینی، زمینه کارآفرینی و کارآفرین در سال 1401 انجام شد که دیدگاه جدیدی را در ارتباط با بعد تاریک کارآفرینی ارائه داد. یافته‌ها حاکی از آن است که دیدگاه‌های زیادی برای تحقیق باقی می‌ماند که با روشن‌سازی و تعاریف دقیق‌تر شروع می‌شود. ما نقطه شروعی را برای مفهوم‌سازی منطق پشت به اصطلاح بعد تاریک کارآفرینی پیشنهاد داده و یک مدل مفهومی از دو بعد (کارآفرین و زمینه) ارائه دادیم. بعد تاریک کارآفرینی به بهترین وجه ممکن است از طریق ساختار سازمانی و فرآیندهای اداری، که هر دو توسط بنیان‌گذار ایجاد شده‌اند، («از کارآفرین»)، و ارزش‌های فرهنگی یا اصلی در اکوسیستم («از زمینه») که شخصیت کارآفرینی را تشکیل می‌دهند، تحلیل شوند. نتایج حاکی از یک موقعیتی سیستمی است که در آن پژوهشگران تشویق می‌شوند نه تنها مدل مفهومی را بیشتر آزمایش کنند، بلکه آن را به حوزه‌های تحقیقاتی بیشتری مانند مطالعات سازمانی، اخلاق، نوآوری، یا تکنولوژی گسترش دهند.

مقالات مرتبط

اکوسیستم کارآفرینی راهبردی برای توسعه صنعت ورزش

The ecosystem approach to entrepreneurship has received worldwide attention in recent years to understand the context of entrepreneurship at a macro level. However, although the sports sector is important in this field and can improve people’s health, create employment and contribute to the country’s GDP, little research has been done in this field. The purpose of this review article was to explain the impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the sports field.The statistical population of the research included all scientific-research articles (186 articles) published in the field of sports entrepreneurship from 1390 to 1402 in Iran, based on vocabulary Keys were collected from the Scientific Information Database (SID), Noormagz, Irandoc, Civilica, as well as searching in the system of related publications to get the latest articles. Then, the items linked to each axis were classified and analysed on the basis of a hierarchical analysis at three macro, medium and micro levels.The results showed that at the macro level, investment and privatization of sports, the formation of sports cooperatives, and especially the culture of Iranian sports organizations are among the drivers of entrepreneurship at the macro level. At the intermediate level, organizational structure and organizational learning; and especially, the planning and content of entrepreneurship-based education in the university along with information technology are factors that affect the process of sports entrepreneurship. At the micro level, various variables affect entrepreneurship in sports, the most important of which are the various personality traits of people. Of course, investment and financial risk; Entrepreneurial and social skills are also considered important; The results indicate that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a new approach to systematically and comprehensively examine the development of entrepreneurship in various fields such as sports.

شایستگی های کلیدی برای طراحی در یک اقتصاد چرخشی

The circular economy (CE) has become a prominent topic in the literature of natural sciences and management in recent decades. Circular economy is a two-loop regenerative system that focuses on the effective and efficient use of resources in the ecosystem, which is useful for optimizing environmental and economic performance. Dual CE initiatives allow companies to increase productivity as well as the environmental effectiveness of resources. The circular economy has profound implications for economic and operational advantage. To evaluate and advance the depth and diversity of this concept, it is necessary to consider a definition that can provide guidelines. The purpose of this research is to provide a definitional analysis of the circular economy and suggest future research streams to advance the existing literature. A systematic literature review was utilized to gather relevant publications in the circular economy for this purpose. A practical definition of circular economy was presented after selecting, studying, and analyzing 112 articles which includes the identified main elements, organizational planning processes, customers and society, ecosystem use and economic resource flows. According to this definition, the dominant issues in circular economy research are discussed and several future research proposals are presented in this field.

بررسی رویکردهایی برای توسعه شرکت های کوچک و متوسط به بازارهای با ارزش بالا

This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the approaches of transforming small and medium enterprises (SMEs) into high-value markets, focusing on building a structural equation model of guidelines. The conceptual research framework included an exogenous latent variable, value discovery element, along with four endogenous latent variables, value development, value communication, value distribution, and value experiences.In this study, mixed methodology research was used, including qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 experts, focus group discussion with 11 successful entrepreneurs, and quantitative research through a survey of 500 small and medium companies in Tehran province. The results showed that SMEs operating in high-value markets are divided into tangible and intangible products, representing 250 respondents from each group. The five elements of the guidelines for the development of SMEs into high-value markets were of high importance both overall and in each element. The developed SEM model was consistent with the experimental data of five elements with 27 observed variable factors. In addition, the results of the hypothesis test for analyzing the causal effect between hidden variables in the SEM model showed that all six hypotheses were supported at the 0.001 level of statistical significance. The value of this study is useful for small and medium-sized companies that aim to do business in high-value markets that can improve their competitiveness, create unique value propositions, and provide better customer experiences


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