اکوسیستم کارآفرینی راهبردی برای توسعه صنعت ورزش

در سال‌های اخیر، رویکرد اکوسیستم کارآفرینی در سراسر جهان برای درک زمینه کارآفرینی در سطح کلان مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. با این حال، اگرچه بخش ورزش در این زمینه حائز اهمیت است و می¬تواند سلامت مردم را بهبود بخشد، اشتغال ایجاد کند و به تولید ناخالص داخلی کشور کمک نماید، تحقیقات اندکی در این زمینه انجام شده است. بنابراین، این مقاله مروری با هدف تببین تاثیر اکوسیستم¬های کارافرینی در حوزه ورزش انجام شد. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل همه مقالات علمی- پژوهشی چاپ شده (186 مقاله) در حوزه کارآفرینی ورزشی از سال ۱۳90 تا 1402 در ایران بود که بر اساس واژگان کلیدی از پایگاه اطلاعات علمی جهاد دانشگاهی (SID)، نورمگز، ایرانداک، سیویلیکا و همچنین جستجو در سامانه نشریات مرتبط برای دریافت جدیدترین مقالات،گردآوری شدند. سپس مقالات مرتبط با هر محور، بر اساس تحلیل سلسله مراتبی در سه سطح کلان، میانی و خرد طبقه¬بندی و تحلیل شدند. نتایج نشان داد که در سطح کلان سرمایه¬گذاری و خصوصی¬سازی ورزش، تشکیل تعاونی¬های ورزشی و به ویژه فرهنگ سازمان¬های ورزشی ایران از پیشران¬های کارآفرینی در سطح کلان هستند. در سطح میانی، ساختار سازمانی و یادگیری سازمانی؛ و به ویژه برنامه¬ریزی و محتوای آموزش مبتنی بر کارآفرینی در دانشگاه همراه با فناوری اطلاعات از عوامل اثرگذار بر فرآیند کارآفرینی ورزشی می باشند. در سطح خرد، متغیرهای مختلفی بر کارآفرینی در ورزش اثرگذار هستند که مهمترین آن ویژگی¬های متنوع شخصیتی افراد می¬باشد. البته سرمایه¬گذاری و ریسک مالی؛ مهارت¬های کارآفرینی و اجتماعی نیز مهم تلقی شده¬اند؛ نتایج حاکی از آن است که اکوسیستم کارآفرینی، رویکرد جدیدی برای بررسی نظام¬مند و جامع توسعه کارآفرینی در حوزه های مختلف مانند صنعت ورزش می باشد.

مقالات مرتبط

تبیین تأثیر رویکرد‌های تأمین پایدار و هوشمند بر بهبود عملکرد سازمانی زنجیره تأمین در شرکت‌های کوچک و متوسط

The implementation of sustainable and intelligent supply chain approaches has a great impact on the performance of an organization. In today’s globalised and highly industrialized world, sustainable development is recognized as one of the highest priorities of any organization. The evolution of Internet-based technologies, digital platforms, and big data analytics has paved the way for the redesign of smart, agile, and flexible supply chains. As a result, implementing practices related to these two concepts is necessary to improve organizational performance related to the supply chain. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of these two methods on improving the organizational performance of the supply chain in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Isfahan province. This research examined the dimensions and variables that are related to sustainable supply chain and smart supply chain practices in SMEs, which were not previously considered in research contributions. According to the research criteria, 320 small and medium-sized companies in Isfahan Province were selected as the target population, out of which 240 companies were selected for sampling based on their different business sectors. In the selected sample, questionnaires were sent to the owners, senior supply chain managers and middle level managers of this company. A total of 220 answers were received. SPSS software was utilized to measure the model and regression and variance were utilized for this purpose. The findings of this research show a significant effect of sustainable and intelligent supply chain practices on improving organizational performance. Furthermore, each of these approaches has a direct impact on the performance of SMEs. The results of this research greatly enrich existing knowledge by filling gaps and adding value to researchers, academics, students, policymakers and industry

تأثیر سبک‌های رهبری بر جهت‌گیری کارآفرینانه شرکت‌های کوچک و متوسط مستقر در استان خراسان رضوی

The vital role of SMEs in the economic prosperity of countries should not be underestimated. SMEs actively contribute to economic growth and development through their active role as innovators and agents of change. In this regard, the leadership styles of SME owners influence their capacity for innovation. Therefore, this article was conducted with the aim of investigating the influence of leadership styles on the entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium enterprises in industrial towns located in the Razavi Khorasan province. A quantitative search method was used and 103 small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the survey. Random sampling method was used. Researcher-made questionnaires were used to collect data in a survey. The data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, a correlation with Pearson, and regression analysis. The reliability of the data collection tool was measured using Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed that small and medium-sized businesses show moderate levels of entrepreneurial orientation and that they also show moderate levels of leadership styles tending towards a transformational leadership style. Also, the results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the independent variables of leadership style and the dependent variable (EO) of SMEs. SMEs were advised to adopt flexible leadership styles that would allow EO to thrive within their organization. In addition, relevant policy makers and decision makers were advised to design and implement a consortium of strategies and policies that can increase the level of entrepreneurial orientation among small and medium enterprises.

بررسی رویکردهایی برای توسعه شرکت های کوچک و متوسط به بازارهای با ارزش بالا

This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the approaches of transforming small and medium enterprises (SMEs) into high-value markets, focusing on building a structural equation model of guidelines. The conceptual research framework included an exogenous latent variable, value discovery element, along with four endogenous latent variables, value development, value communication, value distribution, and value experiences.In this study, mixed methodology research was used, including qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 experts, focus group discussion with 11 successful entrepreneurs, and quantitative research through a survey of 500 small and medium companies in Tehran province. The results showed that SMEs operating in high-value markets are divided into tangible and intangible products, representing 250 respondents from each group. The five elements of the guidelines for the development of SMEs into high-value markets were of high importance both overall and in each element. The developed SEM model was consistent with the experimental data of five elements with 27 observed variable factors. In addition, the results of the hypothesis test for analyzing the causal effect between hidden variables in the SEM model showed that all six hypotheses were supported at the 0.001 level of statistical significance. The value of this study is useful for small and medium-sized companies that aim to do business in high-value markets that can improve their competitiveness, create unique value propositions, and provide better customer experiences

بعد تاریک کارآفرینی: آشکار کردن جنبه‌های منفی اقدامات کارآفرینانه

Entrepreneurship can be either productive or destructive. One of the different positions of entrepreneurship is the “dark side of entrepreneurship” (DSE), which is less discussed. In this article, with the aim of investigating this issue, an extensive literature evaluation related to quantitative and qualitative studies indexed in the databases of specialized magazines Noor, Irandoc, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scopus with keywords dark side of entrepreneurship, field of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur in the year 1401 was done, which provided a new perspective on the dark side of entrepreneurship. The results suggest that many perspectives remain for research, beginning with clarification and more specific definitions. We have proposed a starting point for conceptualizing the logic behind the so-called dark dimension of entrepreneurship and presented a conceptual model of two dimensions (entrepreneur and context). The dark side of entrepreneurship is best understood through the organizational structure and administrative processes, both created by the founder (“from the entrepreneur”), and the cultural or core values in the ecosystem (“from the context”) that constitute the entrepreneurial character be analyzed. The results suggest a systemic situation where researchers are encouraged not only to further test the conceptual model, but also to extend it to more research areas such as organizational studies, ethics, innovation, or technology.


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *