بررسی قراردادهای مشارکت دولتی و خصوصی در ایران و مقایسه آن با سایر کشورها

توسعه پروژه های زیر ساختی و ارائه خدمات کاراتر و با کیفیت تر از جمله عوامل مهم و حیاتی در رشد و توسعه اقتصادی کشورها به شمار می رود. در این میان بررسی ادبیات موضوع حاکی از تفاوت در اجرا و میزان بهره گیری از مشارکت عمومی خصوصی می باشد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی قراردادهای مشارکت دولتی و خصوصی در ایران و مقایسه آن با سایر کشورها است. در مقاله حاضر که به صورت کتابخانه‌ای و با استفاده از بررسی متون، گزارشات مقالات و طرح های پژوهشی در ارتباط با موضوع مقاله صورت گرفته، به بررسی و مقایسه قرارداد های مشارکت دولتی و خصوصی در ایران و برخی از کشورهای جهان پرداخته شده است. یافته های این مقاله حاکی از این است که علارغم رشد این نوع قرار داد‌ها در کشور ما هنوز هم از لحاظ محتوی و هم از نظر حجم و میزان فاصله زیادی با کشور های توسعه یافته وجود دارد.

مقالات مرتبط

تأثیر سبک‌های رهبری بر جهت‌گیری کارآفرینانه شرکت‌های کوچک و متوسط مستقر در استان خراسان رضوی

The vital role of SMEs in the economic prosperity of countries should not be underestimated. SMEs actively contribute to economic growth and development through their active role as innovators and agents of change. In this regard, the leadership styles of SME owners influence their capacity for innovation. Therefore, this article was conducted with the aim of investigating the influence of leadership styles on the entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium enterprises in industrial towns located in the Razavi Khorasan province. A quantitative search method was used and 103 small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the survey. Random sampling method was used. Researcher-made questionnaires were used to collect data in a survey. The data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, a correlation with Pearson, and regression analysis. The reliability of the data collection tool was measured using Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed that small and medium-sized businesses show moderate levels of entrepreneurial orientation and that they also show moderate levels of leadership styles tending towards a transformational leadership style. Also, the results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the independent variables of leadership style and the dependent variable (EO) of SMEs. SMEs were advised to adopt flexible leadership styles that would allow EO to thrive within their organization. In addition, relevant policy makers and decision makers were advised to design and implement a consortium of strategies and policies that can increase the level of entrepreneurial orientation among small and medium enterprises.

بعد تاریک کارآفرینی: آشکار کردن جنبه‌های منفی اقدامات کارآفرینانه

Entrepreneurship can be either productive or destructive. One of the different positions of entrepreneurship is the “dark side of entrepreneurship” (DSE), which is less discussed. In this article, with the aim of investigating this issue, an extensive literature evaluation related to quantitative and qualitative studies indexed in the databases of specialized magazines Noor, Irandoc, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scopus with keywords dark side of entrepreneurship, field of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur in the year 1401 was done, which provided a new perspective on the dark side of entrepreneurship. The results suggest that many perspectives remain for research, beginning with clarification and more specific definitions. We have proposed a starting point for conceptualizing the logic behind the so-called dark dimension of entrepreneurship and presented a conceptual model of two dimensions (entrepreneur and context). The dark side of entrepreneurship is best understood through the organizational structure and administrative processes, both created by the founder (“from the entrepreneur”), and the cultural or core values in the ecosystem (“from the context”) that constitute the entrepreneurial character be analyzed. The results suggest a systemic situation where researchers are encouraged not only to further test the conceptual model, but also to extend it to more research areas such as organizational studies, ethics, innovation, or technology.

شایستگی های کلیدی برای طراحی در یک اقتصاد چرخشی

The circular economy (CE) has become a prominent topic in the literature of natural sciences and management in recent decades. Circular economy is a two-loop regenerative system that focuses on the effective and efficient use of resources in the ecosystem, which is useful for optimizing environmental and economic performance. Dual CE initiatives allow companies to increase productivity as well as the environmental effectiveness of resources. The circular economy has profound implications for economic and operational advantage. To evaluate and advance the depth and diversity of this concept, it is necessary to consider a definition that can provide guidelines. The purpose of this research is to provide a definitional analysis of the circular economy and suggest future research streams to advance the existing literature. A systematic literature review was utilized to gather relevant publications in the circular economy for this purpose. A practical definition of circular economy was presented after selecting, studying, and analyzing 112 articles which includes the identified main elements, organizational planning processes, customers and society, ecosystem use and economic resource flows. According to this definition, the dominant issues in circular economy research are discussed and several future research proposals are presented in this field.

عوامل موثر بر اجرای اقتصاد چرخشی در بنگاه‌های اقتصادی کوچک و متوسط(SME) استان اصفهان

The transition from the current linear model of the economy to a circular model has recently attracted the attention of leading global companies and policy makers at the World Economic Forum. This is due to significant economic, social and environmental benefits. However, the global shift from one economic model to another also applies to smaller enterprises at the micro level. Consequently, in-depth knowledge of business model design is necessary to stimulate and strengthen the implementation of the circular economy. Existing business models for the circular economy have limited transferability and there is no comprehensive framework to help any kind of business design a circular business model.
The main purpose of this research is to find out what factors influence the implementation of the circular economy in Iran. The research method in this study is descriptive-survey in terms of its nature and goals. The statistical population included small business leaders in the industrial towns of the province of Isfahan, which had a population of 8,320 in 1401. Using the sample size calculation formula (Cochran), the number of 368 people was estimated as the research sample. To collect information, a questionnaire developed by researchers was used and its validity was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.90. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data obtained from the research using the SPSS15 software program. The results of the research showed that social and cultural factors, organizational, government, laws and regulations and infrastructure have an effect on the implementation of circular economy in small economic enterprises.


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